by CPAC | Aug 10, 2019 | Education
Adjusters assigned to investigate your claims will conduct interviews and they routinely look for discrepancies in the transcript of your initial reporting. Regardless of what a call center operator or insurance adjuster promises, if discrepancies are alleged they...
by CPAC | Aug 9, 2019 | Education
Choosing The Wrong Public Adjuster Not all public adjusters are educated to the extent others may be. There are public adjusters who qualified to handle specific sizes and types of claims and others who may jeopardize your benefits. Make an informed decision on who...
by CPAC | Aug 9, 2019 | Education
The Cost Of Litigation To Recover Insurance Benefits Insurance laws in most states prohibit insurance carriers from forcing policyholders to sue for indemnity, however, that never stopped a carrier from using the threat of claim denial to pressure policyholders into...
by CPAC | May 9, 2019 | Education
All insurance claims center operators voice record initial and follow-up claim reports. How those operators interpret and reduce recorded statements to the official written record can affect your coverages. WHAT HAPPENS AFTER YOUR CLAIM IS ASSIGNED TO A CARRIER...
by CPAC | May 6, 2019 | Education
Public Adjusters Fight For Your Rights Public Adjusters can only represent policyholders. Besides adjusting, negotiating, and settling your insurance claims a public adjuster will protect your financial interests by keeping you compliant with the complex terms,...
by CPAC | Feb 9, 2019 | Education
Research Public Adjusters Before Retaining Their Services – Not Afterward Your Cost To Research Public Adjusters vs. The Wrong Adjuster The only cost to you will be your time. Please keep in mind that not all public adjusters are educated to the extent others...