by CPAC | Jan 25, 2018 | Resource
Adjusters who cut their rates usually make up for it by overbooking clients and in many cases cut back on their client services. Each year our firm receives an astonishing number of policyholder calls complaining that they retained a public adjuster who is not...
by CPAC | Jan 25, 2018 | Education
WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW. Reporting a freeze claim opens a policyholder up to multiple carrier questions, which incorrectly answered could void an insurance claim. Insurance carriers have shifted the responsibility of freeze up damages to policyholders using many...
by CPAC | Jan 25, 2018 | Resource
Fire losses are one of the most common perils covered under your insurance policy. Negotiating your way through this type of devastation takes its toll more so than other perils due to the sheer magnitude of damage to your building and personal or business property,...